Thursday, 13 October 2011

Let Me Introduce Myself...

This was originally posted on 13th September 2006 on MySpace

This is my first attempt at blogging so bear with me...

It all began approximately 28 years ago in the small, but growing "new town" of Hemel Hempstead. A baby girl was born (in a hospital that has since been knocked down - that sort of thing could really give you a complex!!!). That child spent the first 6 years of its life in this town before her parents finally took pity on her and moved her to the beautiful countryside and rolling hills of Yorkshire. Shortly after, they decided she needed company in the form of a baby brother. Oh how foolish they were!!! It was a further 20 years before sibling rivaly would finally develop into a mutual appreciation of each other as such that they no longer feel the daily urge to kill each other in a variety of ways as per Itchy & Scratchy off the Simpsons!

In those 20 years, that child grew (and oh my how she grew lol). She did well at school and went onto university in the city of Hull where on a sunny day in July 1999 her parents stood proudly as she achieved what no-one else in the family to that date had acheived... a full university degree (we won't mention the essay writing at 2am tanked up on vodka or the partying until 6am the night before a big exam though!)

Now she is plying her trade as a "Payroll Specialist" for a large company in the North of England. She has escaped those proud parents and has met a nice boy with which she wants to spend her future. In short she is finally embarking on that great adventure called life...
Stay tuned for the next episode.....

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